Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fancy Tickling

Some things just tickle your fancy.  My fancy was tickled recently by a facebook group named "I'm not drunk, I'm just holding onto the lawn so I don't fall off the earth". And there was also the group named "Planking on your bed because you're a tired ****" (that group has been removed).

Then some genius came up with this image. I laughed until I cried.

I use the internet for many things - work, friendship, networking, research, paying the damn bills, etc...but the most enjoyment I get is from discovering other people who have a similar love of the utterly ridiculous.

There are some VERY witty people, especially on twitter.  If you can tweet something in under 140 characters that will send Tena Lady profits soaring, you will ensure my undivided attention. And, chances are that I'll probably promote you and/or your blog and/or your website for free.

Look hot - whatever. Have a secksie accent - whatever. Be successful - whatever. Tickle my fancy? You are so in.

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