Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Santa, I've been veeeery good

I've been good this year. Yes, really! And, I've put up with all sorts of things that a sane person of good moral standing should not need to put up with. 

Everyone else is doing it (yeah, yeah...they're all under ten years of age...whatever), but anyway, here's my Christmas Wish List.  

For your purchasing convenience, I've included some piccys.  I wouldn't want you to waste your hard-earned pingers on the wrong thing.

Twelve Kartell Louis ghost chairs.  To have less than 12 people at a dinner party is a crime.  One must always have the obligatory twelve, in which case, one must indeed have the obligatory twelve Kartell Louis ghost chairs

A Kindle.  Word on the street (at the North Pole) is I'm likely to get one, so this is exceptionally good news for both me and Amazon.

La Premiere movie tickets for a year.  I live in the city which boasts New Zealand's best movie theatre. And oh em gee, it is flash as ow.  Its like being in a five star hotel.  The La Premiere class is waitered and catered, and the food on the menu is divine.
A Dutch style bicycle with a basket on the front so I can take my cat for a ride.  He'd love to feel the breeze blowing through his whiskers.  You might think I'm nuts, well, you haven't met my crazy cat who delights at sprinting up and down the footpath on his lead showing off to all and sundry.  A basket on a bicycle would be like cruising town in a chauffeur-driven Ferrari for him.

Only four days left until Christmas.  That should give you plenty of time to organise one or all of the above items for a self-proclaimed very good girl.

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