Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Life is for living, dammit

Some people have been a tad surprised at me putting it out there yesterday.  In reply, I'd just like to make a couple of points (bad language may follow):

1.  IF I had followed "advice" given to me, I wouldn't have entered Miss Waikato, and gained 2nd Runner-up;

2.  IF I had listened to those who were snarky and said I couldn't do it, I wouldn't have moved overseas and started my degree, and in turn finished the whole thing six months early;

3.  IF I had followed "advice" given to me, I wouldn't have become the leading female luxury car sales person in Australasia;

4.  IF I had listened to all the negative people in whom I'd confided my plans and dreams, there's a whole stack of other things I wouldn't have achieved (of which I am damn proud).

In The Muppet Movie, Fozzy said "turn left at the fork in the road", and I guess that's what I've always done.  I haven't gone with whats perceived to be "right", I've chosen various challenges because, well...they were mine to choose and for one reason or another they appealed to me.

Life is for living and I truly believe that deep down inside YOU alone know what is right for YOU.  The next time someone tells you that what you want to do is the stupidest thing they've ever heard or that you won't succeed, don't listen, ok?   You'll never know whether or not you could have achieved it, if you haven't given it a whirl. 

Oh, by the way...this doesn't go for people who attempt things half-heartedly.  You've gotta give it all you've got.  Work harder than anyone else you know, especially if you're in a competitive situation.  Prove those fuckers wrong. 

Imagine being on your deathbed with a "I wish I'd done such and such" list so long, that you died before you could remember everything on it?  How annoying would that be? ;-)  I, for one, will not die wishing that I'd given something a whirl.

Oh, and by the way...maybe if I was to re-write the above list in another five years time, my fifth point would look something like this:

5.  IF I had listened to all those who were snarky and said my script would never amount to anything, I wouldn't have won an Oscar.


  1. You tell them girl! Good on you for giving things a try. It doesn't matter if you succeed or not, at least you've given it a shot! Don't forget the little people in your oscar speech :) Simone.

  2. Wooooohoooooo - go go number 5 :)
    (And start writing that acceptance speech!)

  3. Go kick ass! If anyone dares to say you can't do anything (especially after reading this), I bet you will say something like: "Just watch me." And they will.

  4. Go straight to Number 5, do not pass go, do collect the $

  5. Good on you for giving things a try.I bet you will say something like.beautiful post..thanks for sharing here.. Sports Good
